Mongolian Society for Pediatric Cardiology

Anesthesia & Clinical Research
Welcome to the Journal

NLM ID: 101587134

H Index: 3

Index Copernicus Value: 5.63
Anesthesia is an integral and important part of any major surgical procedure. With time and gained knowledge this term has become a sub discipline of medical science. Established medical guidelines are available for local and general anesthesia. Various factors are important during application of anesthesia protocol where patient’s age, exact disease condition etc. should be considered with care.
The Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Research publishes a wide range of articles in the discipline of anesthesiology including basic science, translational medicine, education, and clinical research to develop a unique platform for the authors and to encourage their contribution towards the field without any barriers of subscription and language.
This journal considers articles from all aspect of understanding related to anesthesia which includes local anesthesia, sedation, regional anesthesia, anesthetic agents, cardiac anesthesiology, nerve blocks, spinal, epidural and caudal anesthesia, general anesthesia, vasular anesthesiology, thoracic anethesiology, pediatric anesthesiology, obstetric anesthesiology, analgesics, anesthesia & critical care, spinal anesthesia, anesthetics, clinical anesthesia, dental anesthesia, vascular anesthesia, surgical anesthesia, anesthesia drugs, pediatric anesthesia, cardiothoracic anesthesia, advances in anesthesia, antipyretics, topical aalgesics, anesthesiologist communications, anesthesia and analgesia, pain killers, veterinary anesthesia, anesthesia complications, monitored anesthesia care, anesthesia case report, anesthesia care, caudal anesthesia, cardiac anesthesia, colonoscopy anesthesia, laproscopy anesthesia, anesthesia liposuction, endoscopy anesthesia, neuroaxial anesthesia, anesthesia business consultancy, thoracic anesthesia, ketamine anesthesia, nitric oxide anesthesia, allergy anesthesia, intravenous anesthesia, trauma anesthesia, hypotensive anesthesia, accupunture anesthesia, c section anesthesia, sleep apnea, geriatric anesthesia, peridural anesthesia, peribulbar anesthesia, root canal anesthesia, anesthesia nursing, spinal anesthesia complications, epidural anesthesia complications, dental anesthesia complications, nerve block anesthesia, alveolar recruitment maneuver, preanesthesia evaluation, impact of drug, pharmacology, intrathecal anesthesia, lung or alveolar recrutment maneuver, anesthesia in relation to robotic surgery, preanesthesia evaluation, impact of drug, pharmacology, intrathecal anesthesia, event of epidural anesthesia and associated side effects, anesthesia in special cases such as aryngeal atresia, tracheal agenesis, tracheal atresia, softwares for hemodynamic monitoring during application of anesthesia, laryngeal mask airway (LMA), anesthesia related machineries such as lighted stylet, jet ventilation, etc. High quality submissions are expected to maintain the standard of the journal and to attain high impact factor.
Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research employs double-blind peer-review process. The peer review process enhances the performance and is used to maintain the standards of quality. The eminent Editorial Board of Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research strives to disseminate the quality work to the scientific community through peer review processing. Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research is serving the scientific community by disseminating quality articles processed through peer review process. Being an Open Access Journal our Journal allows the scientific community unrestricted use of the knowledge.
Authors are requested to submit manuscripts at 
*Unofficial 2014 Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2012 and 2013 with the number of times they are cited in 2014 based on Google search and the Scholar Citation Index database. If ‘X’ is the total number of articles published in 2012 and 2013, and ‘Y’ is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2014 than, impact factor = Y/X